I went to a fabulous seminar over the weekend on Neurotransmitters and Brain Chemistry. It left me with many new ideas to ponder and apply in my practice...and of course with my brain feeling a little fried. But that is usually a sign of a great seminar for me, coming out feeling invigorated, overwhelmed and excited all at once. One of the key points he mentioned was for all of us to give ourselves one day off a week to do absolutely nothing. With 2 children, I find this difficult, because even on a supposed "day off", I am trying to fit in the laundry, the groceries, all the extras. So, for all of our health...there must start to be a personal day we choose to take where nothing is scheduled. Now on that day if we decide to go grocery shopping...fine. But it can't be the plan. We'll see how I do with this. Picking the day will be tough!
But, beyond that relatively simple concept, there were so many medical concepts thrown at us this weekend and how important brain health is to our overall state of being. Many practitoners look right at the adrenals, or the gut and ignore the brain all together....and that can't bring about permanent change over time. You always have to look at the brain. "Fire in the gut, Fire in the brain". .
Also acknowledged was the Brain Model of Alternative Medicine...although I like the term 'Complementary' Medicine much better. This includes, Massage, Acupuncture and Manipulation. All of these have been found to enhance Brain stimulation which in turn, enhances Endocrine and Immune modulation. Some studies were even cited with electro-acupuncture with regards to its cerebral response on a functional MRI. This was in 2007 using point LI4. The distribution of signally deactivated area evoked by LI4 was similar to the distribution of the anatomical orientation of pain in brain, and closely related to the limbic system. Showing correlation of acupuncture's analgesic effect.
Then in 2005 there was a study confirming that electroacupuncture treatment increases NK cell activity, and in 2007 a study was done on rats to explore the mecahnism of electroacupunture in improving ischemic stroke.
It's nice to have these recent studies and their positive outcomes because people always ask me for the science behind the 'voodoo' medicine. And I know there have been more in the field of oncology....these are just with neurology and acupuncture.
So....easiest thing to do is try and take a day off somewhere. Stop drinking diet soda, and yes...gluten free is a good thing. But I even find that difficult. However, you will know if Gluten free works for you because once you go Gluten free and your brain fog disappears..that is the clue. Remember 'Fire in the Gut, Fire in the Brain'.
And no....it is not 'easy'. It is a science and once you find the right pathway it is amazing and can be miraculous...but as always one should go to someone who goes to seminars, gets continuing education in these things and actually has a practice to apply these concepts. I loved that the speaker even addressed that principle at this seminar. Did you know in the state of Colorado the Naturopathic Doctors are not licensed and thus not regulated. Please check that your ND went to an accredited school...not an online school where he/she got a degree in a year for a small amount of money. Here is a link to help you find a reputable Colorado ND http://www.coloradond.org/ . The ND profession is a respectable profession and it has been watered down horribly by those who got their degrees by bogus schools and have no real education. Another example of this in my opinion is the fact that chiropractors and Medical doctors can take a 180 hour course and take the national exam and be licensed acupuncturists. Do you want to go to someone who passed an exam by reading cliff notes? Licensed acupuncturists who go to accredited schools attend for over 4 years, graduating with a Masters Degree. It's your body and your money...take good care of it.