Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pediatric Ear Infections

It was reported in JAMA today that a 'Wait-and See' approach to Acute Otitis Media (ear infections) may be the best prescription. I couldn't agree more. Some of the remedies I have also found to be successful, on top of a shonishin treatment for the immune system, is a good saline nose spray with Xylitol, some warm drops of Willow/Garlic Ear Oil (you can even make this yoursef if you want to) and for more intense pain, include a good homeopathic drop such as Otidolo by Pekana. Many ear infections will clear up on their own and are often common around teething times, after immunizations and/or when the immune system is compromised. Of course it is always a good idea if you are concerned to have a medical professional look to make sure the eardrum is intact. I think the hardest thing is for parents to just 'wait and see' as JAMA puts it. Not only is sleep deprivation a distinct possibility, but it is always uncomfortable for a parent to see their child in some discomfort. But the overuse of antibiotics is rampant and unfortunately has led to serious resistance issues. So some TLC , some more 'natural remedies' and time can be good, effective medicine too. Below is the link to JAMA's article and study if interested.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link. I will put this up in the office.